Re: nginx server not reflecting changes

Yes tried that out but still not working. I am using python 2.7.2 and django 1.4.1.

On Jul 9, 2014 5:59 PM, "Lachlan Musicman" <> wrote:
Have you tried pycclean?

ie: find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -rf {} \;

then restart gnuicorn/nginx.


On 9 July 2014 22:20, Amar Kamthe <> wrote:
> Me too having the same issue.
> I tried all the above things like reloading the nginx server and restarting
> the gunicorn but the changes are not reflected.
> Using command ps -aux | grep gunicorn. I found 1 gunicorn master and 3
> worker threads running. I my case few of the files are reflecting but few of
> them don't. Is it that there is an issue with the code files which is not
> allowing to get loaded in nginx?. Also if I try using shell, it do shows the
> changed code and all these thing works perfectly with apache and mod wsgi.
> Can you help me in getting this issue resolved.
> On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:55:16 PM UTC+5:30, Manu wrote:
>> Please find some of my remarks below
>> On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 19:04:19 UTC+5:30, sandy wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 9:48 PM, Manu <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Try to reload nginx.
>>> >
>>> >> sudo nginx -s reload
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > or stop it and restart
>>> >
>>> >> sudo nginx -s stop
>>> >> sudo nginx
>>> >
>>> These doesn't make any change.
>>> >
>>> > if it's still not reflecting those changes, check which is
>>> > being used by runserver and the gunicorn. Or, the problem could be that you
>>> > have to restart gunicorn
>>> >
>>> >> sudo supervisorctl restart [gunicorn-program-name]
>>> >
>> How are you so sure that the server is running? Can you try
>>> $ ps -aux | grep gunicorn
>> What is it returning to you?
>>> When I use $ps -aux command to see which gunicorn program is running. It
>>> shows no job running, but server is nicely configured and is running. I am
>>> new to nginx and gunicorn deployment. Though deployment has been done but am
>>> not able to understand why the changes are not visible and which program is
>>> running which is behind the deployment.
>>> Your help will be highly appreciated.
>>> Thank you.
>>> --
>>> Sandeep Kaur
>>> E-Mail:
>>> Blog:
> --
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The idea is that a beautiful image is frameable. Everything you need
to see is there: It's everything you want, and it's very pleasing
because there's no extra information that you don't get to see.
Everything's in a nice package for you. But sublime art is
unframeable: It's an image or idea that implies that there's a bigger
image or idea that you can't see: You're only getting to look at a
fraction of it, and in that way it's both beautiful and scary, because
it's reminding you that there's more that you don't have access to.
It's now sort of left the piece itself and it's become your own
invention, so it's personal as well as being scary as well as being
beautiful, which is what I really like about art like that.
Adventure Time

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