Background: I am new to Django and Python, having started on Windows this past December. Currently I am working in a Vagrant precise64 box, and wanted to import one of my old Windows apps which was done on sqlite3 to my current postgres. Once I got that done, Django told me I would need to run sqlcustom. So I did, and all I've been getting since is one error after another.
The current error is:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting DATABASES, but se
ttings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANG
O_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.
I am working off Randall Degges' django-skel with Django 1.5, so I have apps, settings, and requirements folders for prod, common, and dev. Prod is working fine on Heroku, where DJANGO SETTINGS MODULE is in the config vars.
Up until now, when I want to do something locally, I use –settings=mylocalsettings, which I got from the Two Scoops book and had been working fine, but not here. The sqlcustom command does not seem to accept or recognize this attempt to direct it to my local settings.
The error message tells me to either set DJANGO SETTINGS MODULE or configure(). I've never come across configure() before. Apparently it is different from –settings=mylocalsettings, but I can't tell you how or why.
I don't want to put DJANGO SETTINGS MODULE in my local environment because I don't know what that would do to either my other projects or my Heroku settings. I am in a virtual environment, but does that isolate the environmental variables? Even if it does, what impact would this have on my Heroku settings for this project?
On the official docs, I found this either or message. But the same document allows for the TwoScoops way, which it calls 'manual'.
I tried but then I got this:
ImportError: Could not import settings '' (Is it on sys.path?):
No module named
Note that now there is no database or settings module issue. The path is correct – IF is looking at the directory I am in. I have but not, which I assume is buried somewhere else in Django itself.
Why isn't manual working?
Where do I put configure()? At the top of
Why was runserver not giving me any errors?
What do I do to get this working?
Bonus: Why don't the instructions also tell me to syncdb or run a migration?
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