A fine plan.
Do you have a question regarding django?
On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 1:20:48 AM UTC-5, anantha sharma wrote:
-- Do you have a question regarding django?
On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 1:20:48 AM UTC-5, anantha sharma wrote:
Hi,I am planing to build web based application to monitor sybase ase database server the details are given below.In this moment we are monitoring sybase ASE database server by shell script(cron job) these data we are pushing to other database server what we call ismonitoring server.After business hrs we are gathering metrics for each job/server cpu,disk i/o,memory, dbspace usages through some store proceduresmanually now we are planing to build a platform like a web based dash board so that the business owners can monitor their jobs/process load on server,this will help them to enhance their procedures (like modification sp's) in a single short. pls find the link for better understand.
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